What is the Winsper Community Organization?

The Community Organization (aka Homeowner's Association) is everyone in the Winsper community!

Every home owner in Winsper is a member, and as such is invited to actively participate in maintaining and improving our Winsper neighborhood.

There is a core group of volunteers from the Winsper community who collectively make up the Board of Directors.  The Board leads the Community Organization and is the driving force for organizing community events and addressing community concerns.

Winsper Compliance

As everyone in our community should know, we have Covenants and ByLaws dictating our neighborhood which covers everything from Rules & Regulations to general appearance and acceptable and not acceptable improvements.

If you read our Covenants and ByLaws, you will note that in our Covenants, Article D, Sections 1 and 2: Every homeowner is responsible to maintain the landscaping in a neat and presentable condition at all times and not to permit the lot to become overgrown or allow weeds or other noxious plants to proliferate on the lot.

For those who choose to ignore this very basic condition (which is common to virtually every Homeowners Association) you can expect to see warnings and citations to start in your near future.

Kudos to all of you who keep your landscaping in compliance and keep your lawns kept clean and weed free at all times!  Keep up the good work!